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Elementary Linear Algebra by Muhammad Usman Hamid
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======Elementary Linear Algebra by Muhammad Usman Hamid====== {{ :notes:elementary-linear-algebra-m-usman-hamid.jpg?nolink|Elementary Linear Algebra by Muhammad Usman Hamid}} Linear Algebra is the study of vectors and linear transformations. The
Topology: Handwritten Notes
9 Hits, Last modified:
osed unit ball; Convex set * Vector space * Linear combination; Spanning set; Linearly independent * Linearly dependent * Linearly independent lemma * Finite dimensional; Subspace * Equivalent norms *
Algebra II by Syed Sheraz Asghar
6 Hits, Last modified:
Subspace * Sum of Subspaces * Direct Sum * Linear Transformation or Homomorphism * Kernel of T or Kernel of Linear Transformation * Quotient Space * Linear Combination * Linearly Dependent * Linear Span * Basis * Dimension * Maximal L.I Set * Minima
Operation Research by Sir Haidar Ali
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==Summary & contents==== <grid> <col sm="6"> * Linear programming * Linear function * Objective function * Optimal solution * General linear programming problem * Graphical solution of linear programming problem * Corner point * Infeasible
Functional Analysis by M Usman Hamid and Zeeshan Ahmad
5 Hits, Last modified:
atics and its applications. The impetus came from linear algebra, linear ordinary and partial differential equations, calculus of variations, approximation theory and, in particular, linear integral equations, whose theory had the greatest... and convergence, completion, **Normed Spaces:** linear spaces, normed spaces, difference between a metri
Notes of Algebra
4 Hits, Last modified:
s. </well><well> <caption> **[[::Notes:elementary-linear-algebra-m-usman-hamid]]** </caption> Linear Algebra is the study of vectors and linear transformations. Best notes to prepare the subject written by ... r examinations after MSc. </well><well> **[[Notes:Linear-Algebra-Important-Definitions-and-Results]]** \\
Notes for Numerical Methods by M Usman Hamid
3 Hits, Last modified:
uction * Error analysis * Solution of the non-linear equations * Bisection methods * False positio... wton Raphson extended formula * The solution of linear system of equations * Gauss elimination method ... * Diagonally dominant system * Ill condition linear system * Jacobi’s method * Gauss seidel itera
Partial Differential Equations by M Usman Hamid
3 Hits, Last modified:
ition Principle, Exercises * FIRST-ORDER QUASI-LINEAR EQUATIONS AND METHOD OF CHARACTERISTICS * Cla... General Solutions, Canonical Forms of First-Order Linear Equations, Method of Separation of Variables, Exe... consequences. * CLASSIFICATION OF SECOND-ORDER LINEAR EQUATIONS * Second-Order Equations in Two Ind
Affine and Euclidean Geometry by Shahzad Idress
2 Hits, Last modified:
Size |1.44 mB | ====Contents & Summary==== * Linear & Affine Subspaces * Linear Spaces & Subspaces * Affine Subspaces: Affine Combination, Convex Com
Mechanics I (Statics) by Dr Babar Ahmad
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tudents have completed their courses in Calculus, Linear Algebra and Differential Equations. This book als... lution of Forces * Equilibrium * Friction * Linear Momentum, Impulse and Collision * Angular Momen
Number Theory by Dr Muhammad Umer Shuaib
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mmon Multiple * Least common multiple (LCM) * Linear Indeterminate equations or Linear Diophantine equations * Congruence * Complete Residue System (CRS)
Numerical Analysis II
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Operator * Difference Equation * Homogeneous Linear Difference Equation * Non-Homogeneous Linear Difference Equation * Non-Homogeneous Difference Equatio
Operation Research: Handwritten Notes
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Conversion of maximization to minimization 3 * Linear programming formulation and graphical solution 4 ... viewed as a transshipment model 214 * Integer linear programming (ILP) 221 * Method of integer prog
Theory of Optimization by Ma'am Iqra Razzaq
2 Hits, Last modified:
s of variations, control theory, game theory, and linear programming, among others. Numerous formulations ... Method (For unconstraint’s Optimization) * Non-linear programming * Local and Global optima * Resu
Differential Geometry: Handwritten Notes
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he methods of differential and integral calculus, linear algebra, and multilinear algebra. Mathematical an
Differential Geometry by M Usman Hamid
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Differential Geometry by Syed Hassan Waqas
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Multiple Choice Questions (BSc/BS/PPSC) by Akhtar Abbas
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Number Theory: Handwritten Notes
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Number Theory Notes by Anwar Khan
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Partial Differential Equations by Muzammil Tanveer
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