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Metric Spaces (Notes)
25 Hits, Last modified:
ometric and example * Distance between sets * Theorem: Let $(X,d)$ be a metric space. Then for any $x,y... \,y).$$ * Diameter of a set * Bounded Set * Theorem: The union of two bounded set is bounded. * Ope... closed ball, sphere and examples * Open Set * Theorem: An open ball in metric space //X// is open. * Limit point of a set * Closed Set * Theorem: A subset //A// of a metric space is closed if an
Real Analysis Notes by Prof Syed Gul Shah
24 Hits, Last modified:
Sequence * Convergence of the Sequence * Theorem: A convergent sequence of real number has one and... sequence is unique.) * Cauchy Sequence * Theorem: A Cauchy sequence of real numbers is bounded. * Divergent Sequence * Theorem: If $s_n<u_n<t_n$ for all $n\ge n_0$ and if both ... the sequence $\{u_n\}$ also converges to s. * Theorem: If the sequence $\{s_n\}$ converges to //s// the
Groups (Handwritten Notes) by Atiq ur Rehman
23 Hits, Last modified:
, isomorphism, endomorphism, examples and related theorem * Kernel, definition and related theorems * Cyclic group, related theorems * Complex in a group, product of complexes and related theorems * Coset, definition and examples * Index of
Vector Spaces (Handwritten notes)
15 Hits, Last modified:
d examples * Subspaces, definition and related theorems * Linear sum, definition and related theorems * Homomorphism, kernel, linear combination * Linear span, related theorem * Finite dimensional vector space, linear dependent and independent, related theorem * Basis of a vector space and related theore
Real Analysis Handwritten Notes by Kaushef Salamat
13 Hits, Last modified:
* Urysohn Property * Monotone Subsequence Theorem * The Bolzano-weirstrass Theorem * Cauchy Sequence * Contractive Sequence * Properly Diverg... Sequence * Properly Divergent * Comparison Theorem </col> <col sm="6"> * Limit Inferior and... Superior * Cluster Point * Cauchy's Second theorem on Limit * Sets of Real Numbers * Heine-Bor
Functional Analysis by Mr. Tahir Hussain Jaffery
12 Hits, Last modified:
nked to functional analysis. There have been many theorems proven, particularly in the fourth chapter of th... Finite category (or meager) * Baire's category theorem * The principal of uniform boundedness or Banach-Steinhaus theorem * Subadditive, positive homogeneous * Subli... orm * Extensions, restriction * Hahn-Banach theorem (real version) * Hahn-Banach theorem (complex
Handwritten Notes of Real Analysis by Asim Marwat
9 Hits, Last modified:
lower bound (glb), Archimedean property, density theorem, Bolzano Weierstrass theorem. * Chapter 02: Limit of the Function * Sequence, bounded sequence, Sandwhich theorem, monotone sequence, monotonic convergent theorem, nested intervals, sub-sequence, Cauchy sequence, compari
Ring (Notes) by Prof. M. Dabeer Mughal
9 Hits, Last modified:
of ring, Boolean ring * Sub-ring and related theorem * Centre of ring and related theorem * Ring homomorphism * Isomorphism, kernel of $\phi$ and related theorems * Ideal, left ideal * Right ideal, two sided ideal, examples and theorems * Principal ideal, principal ideal ring and r
Affine and Euclidean Geometry by Shahzad Idress
8 Hits, Last modified:
f Cosine and Sines: The Law of Cosine, Pythagoras Theorem, Parallelogram Law, The Law of Sines, * Eucl... Euclidean Tools, The Method of Loci * Classical Theorems in Affine Geometry * Sensed Magnitudes, Pos... gments, Range of Points and Complete Range, Basic Theorems. * Menelaus, Ceva and Desargues Theorems: The ratio š¯‘Øš¯‘·/š¯‘·š¯‘©, Angles Associated with Parallel Lines, Thal
Rings (Handwritten notes) by Atiq ur Rehman
8 Hits, Last modified:
divisor and examples, integral domain and related theorems * Field, examples and related theorems * Characteristic of ring, examples and related theorems * Regular ring, examples and related theorems * Ideals, and related theorem * Quotient ring *
Functional Analysis by M Usman Hamid and Zeeshan Ahmad
7 Hits, Last modified:
mensional spaces, F. Riesz Lemma, the Hahn-Banach theorem, the HB theorem for complex spaces, The HB theorem for normed spaces, the open mapping theorem, the closed graph theorem, uniform boundedness principle and i
Measure Theory Handwritten Notes by Asim Marwat
7 Hits, Last modified:
Tchebeshev's Inequality * Monotone Convergence Theorem * Fatou's Lema * Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem for Non-negative Measurable Function * Convergence Theorem * Monoton Convergence Theorem * Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem * Lebesgue Bounded Convergenc
Group Theory by Mr. Muhammad Iftikhar
6 Hits, Last modified:
* Cosets * Equivalence relation * Lagrange's theorem * Relation between groups * Homomorphism * Cayley's theorem * Conjugacy relation in groups * Conjugacy cl... actor group or quotient group * The isomorphism theorem * First isomorphism theorem * Second isomorphism theorem * Third isomorphism theorem * Automorphis
Rings & Modules by Ms. Iqra Liaqat
6 Hits, Last modified:
* Ring homomorphism * Quotient Module * First theorem of homomorphism * Second isomorphism theorem * Fundamental theorem of homomorphism * Internal direct sum * External direct sum * Finitely gener... polynomial * Constant polynomial * Remainder theorem * Zeros of the polynomial * Roots of the equa
Fluid Mechanics II by Dr Rao Muzamal Hussain
5 Hits, Last modified:
Flow along a curve * Circulation * Kelvins Theorem (For rotation or circulation) or State and prove Kelvins theorem for circulation * Uniqueness Theorem * Single Infinite Row of Vortices * Double Infinite Row of V... Irrotational Motion * Kelvinā€™s Minimum Energy Theorem * Laplace Equation * Normal stress * Tan
Complex Analysis (Easy Notes of Complex Analysis)
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Measure Theory Notes by Anwar Khan
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Mechanics by Sir Nouman Siddique
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Advance Analysis by Ms. Iqra Liaqat
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Differential Geometry (Notes) by Ms. Kaushef Salamat
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Topology: Handwritten Notes
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Vector Space (Review) by Rashad Wattu
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Notes of Algebra
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Mathematical Statistics by Ms. Iqra Liaqat
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Measure Theory by M Usman Hamid & Saima Akram
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Multiple Choice Questions (BSc/BS/PPSC) by Akhtar Abbas
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Number Theory: Handwritten Notes
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Partial Differential Equations by M Usman Hamid
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Vector & Tensor Analysis by Dr Nawazish Ali (Solutions)
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Complex Analysis (Quick Review)
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Elementary Linear Algebra by Muhammad Usman Hamid
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Fluid Mechanics by Ali Raza
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Functional Analysis by Prof Mumtaz Ahmad
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General Topology by Azhar Hussain
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Group Theory: Important Definitions and Results
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Linear Algebra: Important Definitions and Results
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Mathematical Method by Sir Muhammad Awais Aun
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Mathematical Statistics I by Muzammil Tanveer
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Number Theory Notes by Anwar Khan
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Partial Differential Equations by Muzammil Tanveer
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Special Functions by Dr. Muhey-U-Din
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