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Question 17 Exercise 4.2 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit04
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KPTBB) Peshawar, Pakistan. =====Question 17===== There are $n$ arithmetic means between 5 and 32 such th
Question 8 Exercise 4.2 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit04
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dfrac{a+b-c}{c}$ are in A.P, thus\\ \begin{align}\therefore \dfrac{c+a-b}{b}-\dfrac{b+c-a}{a}&=\dfrac{a+b
Question 5 and 6 Exercise 4.2 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit04
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, in second term the power of $b$ is 1 and so on, therefore $$a_n=\log (a b^{n-1}).$$ We show that the g
Question 5 and 6 Exercise 7.3 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit07
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ht) \\ & \times\left(1+\frac{5 x}{8}\right) \\ & \therefore\left(1-\frac{5 x}{4}\right)\left(1+\frac{5 x}
Question 8 Exercise 7.2 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit07
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here } \\ & x^2=\frac{3}{2} \frac{3}{2}: 8 \\ & \therefore \frac{11}{1} \cdot i \quad 7 \\ & =5.82 \quad
Question 6 Exercise 7.2 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit07
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cause $r$ should be a positive integer. It means there is no constant term or term independent of $x$ in
Question 11 Review Exercise 6 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit06
2 Hits, Last modified:
ccvers one fourth $\dfrac{1}{4}$ of the spinner. Therefore, \begin{align}P(\operatorname{Red})&=\dfrac{1... n} Also these two are mutually exclusive events. Therefore $P(R \cap G)=\phi$, where $R$ stands for red
Question 9 & 10 Review Exercise 6 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit06
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In this case number should not start with $0$, therefore the total numbers that do not start with zero
Question 9 Exercise 6.5 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit06
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n of one does not depend on the other sclection, therefore these two events are independent. Thus \begin... {5}\end{align} Only one is selected In this case there are two chance. it may be Ajmal selected Bushra
Question 8 Exercise 6.5 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit06
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t the sum is $7$ or $11$ are mutually exclusive, therefore by addition law of probability we have \beg
Question 7 Exercise 6.5 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit06
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{1}{13}$$ Since the events are mutually disjoints therefore, by addition law of probability we have \begi
Question 5 and 6 Exercise 6.5 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit06
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ary events, and we are given $P(E)=\dfrac{8}{9}$, therefore, \begin{align}P(E^{\prime})&=1-P(E)=1-\dfrac{
Question 3 and 4 Exercise 6.5 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit06
2 Hits, Last modified:
that $\mathrm{A}$ and $B$ are mutually exclusive, therefore $A \cap B=\emptyset$. Thus \begin{align}P(A ... n} Álso \begin{align}A \cap B&=\{1,9,25\}\\ \text{Therefore} n(A \cap B)&=3\end{align} Now $$P(A)=\dfrac{
Question 3 Exercise 6.4 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit06
5 Hits, Last modified:
ve $8$ questions, each question has two options. Therefore, The state space contains $2^8$ distinct outc... ay i.e. $${ }^8 C_8=\dfrac{8 !}{(8-8) ! 8 !}=1$$ Therefore probability to $8$ answers are correct is: $$... ve $8$ questions, each question has two options. Therefore, The state space contains $2^8$ distinct outc... ve $8$ questions, each question has two options. Therefore, The state space contains $2^8$ distinct outc
Question 9 Exercise 6.3 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit06
10 Hits, Last modified:
n==== Total men are $7$ and total women are $6.$ Therefore, Total number of persons $=7+6=13$ Committee... . In how many ways can the committee be chosen if there must be at least two men? ====Solution==== Total men are $7$ and total women are $6$. Therefore, Total number of persons $=7+6=13$ There must be at least two men The number of committees that wil
Question 7 and 8 Exercise 6.3 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit06
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Question 5 and 6 Exercise 6.3 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit06
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Question 1 Exercise 6.3 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit06
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Question 13 Exercise 6.2 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit06
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Question 7 and 8 Exercise 6.2 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit06
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Question 1 and 2 Exercise 6.2 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit06
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Question 3 & 4 Exercise 6.1 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit06
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Question 9 Review Exercise @math-11-kpk:sol:unit05
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Question 7 Review Exercise @math-11-kpk:sol:unit05
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Question 2 & 3 Review Exercise @math-11-kpk:sol:unit05
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Question 1 Exercise 5.3 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit05
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Question 4 & 5 Exercise 5.2 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit05
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Question 6 Exercise 5.1 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit05
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Question 2 & 3 Exercise 5.1 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit05
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Question 1 Exercise 5.1 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit05
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Question 11 & 12 Exercise 4.5 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit04
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Question 9 & 10 Exercise 4.5 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit04
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Question 4 Exercise 4.5 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit04
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Question 2 Exercise 4.5 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit04
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Question 3 Exercise 4.5 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit04
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Question 1 Exercise 4.5 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit04
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Question 10 Exercise 4.4 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit04
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Question 9 Exercise 4.4 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit04
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Question 6 & 7 Exercise 4.4 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit04
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Question 4 & 5 Exercise 4.4 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit04
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Question 13 & 14 Exercise 4.3 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit04
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Question 11 & 12 Exercise 4.3 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit04
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Question 9 & 10 Exercise 4.3 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit04
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Question 7 & 8 Exercise 4.3 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit04
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Question 5 & 6 Exercise 4.3 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit04
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Question 8 & 9 Review Exercise 3 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit03
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Question 6 & 7 Review Exercise 3 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit03
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Question 7 Exercise 3.5 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit03
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Question 8 Exercise 3.5 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit03
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Question 9 Exercise 3.4 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit03
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Question 5 Exercise 3.4 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit03
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Question 1 Exercise 3.4 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit03
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Question 12 & 13, Exercise 3.3 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit03
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Question 11, Exercise 3.3 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit03
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Question 9 & 10, Exercise 3.3 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit03
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Question 4 and 5 Exercise 3.3 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit03
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Question 5, Exercise 10.3 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit10
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Question 5, Exercise 10.3 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit10
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Question 1, Exercise 10.3 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit10
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Question 2, Exercise 10.3 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit10
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Question 4 and 5, Exercise 10.2 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit10
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Question 1, Exercise 10.2 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit10
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Question 5, Exercise 10.1 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit10
3 Hits, Last modified:
Question 1, Exercise 10.1 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit10
7 Hits, Last modified:
Question11 and 12, Exercise 10.1 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit10
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Question 6, Exercise 1.3 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit01
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